I am sorry that I have been gone for so long. I am back and ready with some great ideas for my loyal followers!
The warm weather is here and I have some great ideas to keep you busy either with your girls or with your favorite date!
Girls' Night In:
Invite some girls over, it is time to get in touch with your inner Samantha and Carrie! If you don't have a cheap way to rent movies like NETFLIX or RED BOX, have your girls bring over their favorite chick flicks and pick from the stash.
Get out your blender ladies, here is a simple recipe for homemade strawberry margaritas:
6 oz tequila
2 oz triple sec
8 oz frozen strawberries in the syrup
4 oz limeade concentrate
Don't forget to pick up your fun margarita glasses at Christmas Tree Shop for less than $2!!!
Want something to do while you are watching all those girly movies? How about a wardrobe swap? Save some money for your summer wardrobe by asking your girls to bring all their unwanteds and throw in the middle of your living room. Go ahead and get crazy! It is like a new outfit with no money spent!!!!!
Last, every woman needs a facial! Here is a really easy and inexpensive recipe:
1 tablespoon old fashioned oatmeal (finely ground)
1 teaspoon plain yogurt (preferably organic)
a few drops of honey, warmed with a hot spoon
MIX, apply to your face, leave on for 10 minutes, and finish with a hot wash cloth!
Do you and your love need something to do that isn't going to cost you a fortune? Well here are some great ideas for you New Englanders out there! (Don't forget, these are ideas you can really do anywhere!)
Hampton Beach-
* Pack a picnic and have dinner on the beach while you watch the sunset
* Share some fried dough while you take in a free concert
* Beat 'em at skee ball in any of the arcades
* Finish your night with great Karaoke and dancing @ Stacy Jane's! The best bar on the strip!
Night in Boston:
* Can't afford an expensive restaurant or a club cover? That is totally cool! Look online for clubs that do "free covers" if you go during a certain time.
* Grab a hot dog from a street vendor and cop a squat at the Public Garden
* Channel your inner child at the aquarium or the science museum
(It is really endless!)
Getting in touch with nature:
* Check out Walden Pond--- swim, hike, just relax! Beautiful scenery and history right there and all you have to do is pay for parking!
I hope this inspires you to get outside and make those memories! Happy Spring followers! I am so excited for what this season has to offer!