Thursday, January 19, 2012

Making 2012 about YOU!

Happy New Year folks!

I was planning on talking about what is going to be hot this Spring, but I realized in New England, I have a good 2 months before this will be a concern!

I wanted to remind all of my readers to remember their own needs this new year. Instead of making a New Year's resolution that I couldn't stick to, I decided to make small goals each month. Obviously, things will change throughout the month that causes those goals to either also change or be impossible, but it is a much better start then trying to accomplish one large goal (like to not eat sweets-- yeah, right.)

This is my challenge to each of you: make goals that ARE obtainable and stick to them. For example, if work is crazy, set your goals to your home life. Example: "I am going to reorganize my wardrobe and get rid of all the junk." (Or) "I am going to read an entire book this month" (Or) "I am going to be tech free after 8 pm and spend the extra time with my honey." Get what I am sayin'??? If it is home that you can't seem to get your arms around then set goals to take yourself out of that situation. "I am going to go to the gym 3 times this week" (or) "I am going to plan a girls' night out this weekend." Go for a walk, hang out at your favorite book store, just take an hour for yourself and breathe!

Remember people, you can't be great for your family or your job without being great TO YOURSELF! Nothing is impossible. Take a class, join a club, GO TO WEIGHT WATCHERS! Whatever it takes to get you to that goal.

One thing I think could help is start a small support group. Pick 2 or 3 people who are positive reinforcements for you and help each other. Set goals and share them. Vent when you are struggling, give each other advice, keep each other on track. This is YOUR group--- no one else.

Now that I hope I have inspired you, my last piece of advice is this: Just laugh... breathe and laugh...

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