Monday, November 26, 2018

2nd step to getting that closet clean! 

Okay-- now you are motivated! After you get rid of your unwanted items, it is time to get organized. This can be as simple as separating work clothes from play clothes to as crazy as "black tee-shirts, brown tee shirts, blue..." you get the idea. This will give you a better idea of what you have to work with. If you work in a professional setting, you can see if you have 15 white button down shirts or none at all.

You can also see if you have all of the same colors in your wardrobe. You might be an all-black kind of person-- and I know who you are! Or, you might have more tee-shirts than any store in the mall but nothing nice to wear to a special event.

The best is yet to come! Calling all best friends, girl friends, sisters, mothers-- it is time for your personal fashion show and you might need someone to help you decide what works and what doesn't. Yes- even you men out there! Don't worry, we won't tell your boys. Try on everything. If it doesn't fit, get rid of it. Put things together that you might not think of. For example, for the gentlemen: pick your darkest jeans, your favorite tee shirt, now layer it under a dark button down shirt or a blazer. Not a suit blazer but something more casual, maybe corduroy. For you ladies: add a pop of color to your favorite outfit. Maybe purple tights with a black dress, or a yellow cami under a brown sweater and jeans.

Once you have played around and gotten an idea of areas that need improvement you might want to go online to do some research before you hit the mall. Check your favorite stores for promotions and sales. You can even follow famous people that you consider fashion icons to see what they are wearing. Don't worry about spending a fortune on the boots that you love that cost $200. I bet you can find them for a lot cheaper!

Now you are ready to shop! Scary, right? Your closet is clean and organized, you have finally thrown out that tee shirt you only wear to bed (okay, so you might want to keep that) and are interested in adding new items to your closet that have never been there before! Holy crap!

Tune in next time and we will go shopping together!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Time to clean out that closet!!!

Cleaning out your closet

I understand that this can be an overwhelming task. Believe me, there have been many days after too many coffees that I tried to take this on and failed. Basically, you have to set a goal for yourself. Is it a change in season? Are you up a size or down a size? Is your wardrobe the only thing you can control in your life? Well, these are all great times to get going. First we will talk about sorting. This is the first and most important step. Personally, I don't throw anything away. You want 3 piles: throw away (usually old socks and such), keep, and give away. With the give-away pile you might even be able to make a litte money. Check online to find a local consignment shop and see what you can get for your unwanted items. Now there are sources like Facebook Marketplace, Offer Up, and even online town "yard" sales that you can post your unused goods. Those few extra bucks can go towards your new purchases!!!!

Look at the item. Is it stained, ripped, really old? If not, the next question is: how long has it been since you have worn this item? A good friend of my mine taught me a great trick. Turn all your hangers the wrong way. After 6 months if the item is still in the wrong direction, it is time to move on. If it is an item you love and only wear once and a while, like that sexy black dress, it is okay to keep. But if it is those jeans you wore in high school that you KNOW you will get back into REALLY soon-- ditch them! You will feel less guilty the next time you skip the gym and go to a movie.

Feeling inspired? Well, you are off to a great start! Next time we will talk about your own personal fashion show!